Welcome to the Sri Lanka Haiku Books and Publications!

Welcome to the literary haven of the Sri Lanka Haiku Association! Dive into the captivating world of haiku poetry through our carefully curated collection of books written by talented members and esteemed authors within our vibrant community. Each page unfolds a tapestry of emotions, bringing to life the essence of Sri Lankan landscapes, culture, and the profound beauty of haiku. Explore the delicate balance of syllables and sentiments as our authors transport you to the heart of Ceylon, capturing fleeting moments with the precision and grace that define haiku. From the rhythmic dance of raindrops on tea leaves to the tranquility of ancient temples, our books reflect the diverse perspectives and poetic prowess of our members. Immerse yourself in the beauty of concise expression and join us in celebrating the art of haiku as it blossoms in the hands of our talented authors. Each book is a testament to the power of simplicity, inviting you to savor the beauty of Sri Lankan haiku verse. Browse through our Books page and embark on a literary adventure that harmonizes the soulful spirit of haiku with the cultural nuances of Sri Lanka. We invite you to read, reflect, and revel in the evocative world of haiku crafted by the pens of our dedicated members.

කඳු අතර දිය වැල

කඳු අතර දිය වැල
නිමාලි පෙරේරා Nimali Perera
ISBN : 978-624-98031-0-7
Published : 2021-08-20

ගඟබඩ ය මේ උයන

ගඟබඩ ය මේ උයන
වැලිගම එන්. ඩබ්. පී. ලාල් Weligama N.W.P. Lal
ISBN : 978-624-9 8684-0-3
Published : 2022-01-31

තීර්ථ යාත්‍රා Sacred Journey

තීර්ථ යාත්‍රා Sacred Journey
සුදර්ශනී කුරුප්පු Sudarshani Kuruppu
ISBN : 978-624-93249-0-9
Published : 2024-01-05

නොවැටුණු වැහි බිඳු Unfallen rain drops

නොවැටුණු වැහි බිඳු Unfallen rain drops
උදාරා තම්බපණ්ණි දික්කුඹුර Udara Thambapanni Dikkumbura
ISBN : 978-624-93185-0-2
Published : 2024-01-05

පිණි විසුළ මල් පෙති Dew scattered flower petals

පිණි විසුළ මල් පෙති Dew scattered flower petals
ස්වර්ණා බෝපාලි ද සිල්වා Swarna Bopali de Silva
Published : 2022-01-31

රෑ පානේ ලියූ කවි twilight poems

රෑ පානේ ලියූ කවි twilight poems
නලිනි ද සිල්වා Nalini de Silva
ISBN : 978-624-93182-0-5
Published : 2024-01-05

වන අරණක සඳ පහන Moonlight in the wood

වන අරණක සඳ පහන Moonlight in the wood
සමන්ති රණමුකගේ Samanthi Ranamukage
ISBN : ISBN 978-624-93203-0-7
Published : 2024-01-01

සඳට රහසින් පෙම් කළා මම I loved the moon secretly

සඳට රහසින් පෙම් කළා මම I loved the moon secretly
ෂර්මිලා බංදුනී දන්වත්ත Sharmila Bandunee Danwatta
ISBN : 978-624-99468-0-4
Published : 2023-07-01

සිතිජය සිසාරා Through the horizon

සිතිජය සිසාරා Through the horizon
සුභාෂිනි ජයතිලක Subhashini Jayathilake
ISBN : 978-624-98736-1-2
Published : 2024-01-05

සුසුම් හෙලන කඳු பெருமூச்சு விடும் மலைகள் Sighing mountains

සුසුම් හෙලන කඳු பெருமூச்சு விடும் மலைகள் Sighing mountains
අනුෂා ගමඇතිගේ அனுஷா கமஎத்திகே Anusha Gamaethige
ISBN : 978-624-93188-0-9
Published : 2024-01-05

හිම මත තනිව විලෝපත On the snow a lonely willow leaf

හිම මත තනිව විලෝපත On the snow a lonely willow leaf
ඉනෝකා රාජපක්ෂ Inoka Rajapaksha
ISBN : 978-624-93260-0-2
Published : 2024-01-05